Types of parenting styles

parenting style

When you hear the word “parenting,” the first thing that might come to mind is simply raising a child to become an adult. While this is correct, your concept of parenting is incomplete. You need to include essential aspects such as emotional support, practical support, professional support, and social support in parenting. Performing a parent’s responsibilities and duties effectively is never going to be simple. To raise a child effectively, sometimes parents need to create rules and boundaries. At times, parents become more conscious about their child’s life and future, setting strict boundaries that can cause children to dislike their parents. Children may start resenting their parents for these strict rules and boundaries. On the other hand, some parents do not set any limits for their children and fail to criticize immoral behavior or actions. This kind of parenting style can lead to children becoming ill-mannered and rude. If parents do not teach their children about what is right and wrong, there is a significant chance that children will face issues like a lack of moral guidance, behavioral problems, confusion, poor decision-making, and social struggles.

different parenting styles

The most frequent desire of parents is to provide everything to their children according to their status. Every parent tries their best to be a good parent, but it’s important to remember that your parenting style can affect a child’s entire life, so it’s crucial to choose your parenting style wisely. In this regard, we need to explore different parenting styles so that we can choose one according to the situation and the child’s nature.

Types of parenting styles

Now, let’s examine the various parenting styles.

1.Authoritative parenting

    This parenting style can be considered perfect because it fosters a strong relationship between parents and children. Both parents and children work together to make things as perfect as possible.

    The question is, how do they make this happen? While it’s quite simple, parents make decisions regarding their children’s concerns, but they also seek input from their children. They set clear goals for their children and clearly communicate what they expect from them. Parents establish boundaries and rules for their children, explaining why these rules are set and what the consequences will be if they are not followed.

    Authoritative parenting

    In the authoritative parenting style, parents build a relationship that nurtures effective qualities in a child, such as self-confidence, accountability, emotional intelligence, and risk management.

    Some studies indicate that children raised with this parenting style tend to have an excellent educational background and the ability to make good decisions on their own. Additionally, fewer children raised with this style are likely to fall into drug abuse.

    2. Authoritarian parenting

    Authoritarian parenting refers to a parenting style in which parents expect perfection from their children in all matters. If children do something wrong and fail to meet the expected results, they are punished by their parents. Parents establish strict rules for their children, and the children are expected to follow these rules under any circumstances. Parents do not give them a chance to learn from their mistakes; if they make any, they are punished.

    Children raised with this style are good at following guidelines and orders, but they may struggle to make good decisions on their own, and they lack personal growth experiences. Children raised with authoritarian parenting may develop highly antagonistic behavior.

    3.Permissive parenting

    In the permissive parenting style, parents tend to act more like friends than authority figures. They prefer to create a friendly environment rather than a controlled one. They don’t set strict rules and allow their children to make their own decisions, leaving it up to them when and how they will complete their tasks. However, parents always provide feedback and suggestions on their children’s work. If their children engage in unpleasant behavior, they criticize their actions. Parents don’t have very high expectations from their children.

    Permissive parenting

    This parenting style can be effective in nurturing children, but children raised with this style may face problems in activities due to a lack of self-regulation.

    4.Neglectful parenting

    In this parenting style, parents and children do not have a very close relationship. Parents pay minimal attention to a child’s psychological development. Their involvement is limited to ensuring their children have basic essentials, like shelter and food. Parents remain uninvolved in their children’s activities. It would not be wrong to say that they lack an affectionate bond with their children.

    Sometimes, parents do not consciously choose this parenting style. There are several reasons that may force them into this approach, such as serious health issues, irregular working routines, or sole parenting.

    Children raised with this style may experience attachment issues, depression, and loneliness.

    Neglectful parenting

    5. Attachment parenting

    Attachment parenting style is when parents and children are deeply attached to each other. You can say this is an active parenting style or an engaged parenting approach.
    This style ensures both emotional and physical support for children. Parents nurture them with love and affection, often providing care through personal involvement. Parents also practice positive behavior management with their children. It’s important for parents to create a balance between their personal life and life with their children.

    Studies show that children who are raised with this style are well-mannered and kind.

    6.Gentle parenting

    This parenting style requires a lot of contribution from the parent. Parents are kinder and more sympathetic towards their children. This type of parenting style creates a strong bond between children and parents, promoting a polite and trustworthy environment. Parents take charge of their children’s development through sympathy.


    Gentle parenting

    7.Helicopter parenting

    Helicopter parents are those who are excessively protective of their children. They want to remain involved in their children’s lives at all times, so that if the children have any problems, they can resolve them frequently. These types of parents can become a hurdle to a child’s self-development. This can prevent the child from being able to complete tasks on their own. Helicopter parents often remain distressed and fearful about their children’s future and achievements.

     As a final point, each parenting style affects children differently. It’s up to you which ne you will choose.

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